58 double feasibility = 0;
73 double feasibility = 0;
Data for constraints. Composed of ConstraintComponentData corrensponding to the components of Constra...
Definition: constraints_data.hpp:16
double KKTError() const
Returns the sum of the squared norm of the KKT error (primal residual and complementary slackness) of...
Definition: constraints_data.hxx:9
Data for the state equations.
Definition: state_equation_data.hpp:16
Data for the switching constraint.
Definition: switching_constraint_data.hpp:13
Definition: constraint_component_base.hpp:17
Composed of data used to compute the cost function and its derivatives.
Definition: cost_function_data.hpp:17
A data structure for an optimal control problem.
Definition: ocp_data.hpp:18
double primalFeasibility() const
Returns the lp norm of the primal feasibility, i.e., the constraint violation. Default norm is l1-nor...
Definition: ocp_data.hpp:57
double dualFeasibility() const
Returns the lp norm of the dual feasibility. Default norm is l1-norm. You can also specify l-infty no...
Definition: ocp_data.hpp:72
SwitchingConstraintData switching_constraint_data
Switching constraint data.
Definition: ocp_data.hpp:47
PerformanceIndex performance_index
Performance index.
Definition: ocp_data.hpp:22
CostFunctionData cost_data
Cost function data.
Definition: ocp_data.hpp:27
double KKTError() const
Returns the squared norm of the KKT residual, that is, the primal and dual residual.
Definition: ocp_data.hpp:84
ConstraintsData constraints_data
Constraints data.
Definition: ocp_data.hpp:32
StateEquationData state_equation_data
State equation data.
Definition: ocp_data.hpp:37
ContactDynamicsData contact_dynamics_data
Contact dynamics data.
Definition: ocp_data.hpp:42